8:45 am - 4:30 pm 11/05/2018 Committee Room Nowra Showground, Nowra NSW
Supported by the Australian Government National Landcare Programme through Local Land Services and South East Landcare, Intrepid Landcare will be delivering a training workshop, to assist volunteers, staff and the broader community to engage young people into Landcare and environmental initiatives.
The workshops aims to upskill people from a range of Landcare and environmental organisations to engage young people, and will focus on developing a collaborative approach to co-designing and delivering projects that are appealing to a younger generation.
When: Friday 11th May 2018
Where: Committee Room, Nowra Showground
Time: 9 AM – 4.30 PM. Please arrive at 8.45 AM for a 9 AM sharp start
Cost: Free
Our primary audience is Landcare coordinators, volunteers and other facilitators of environmental initiatives, but we would also like to include Landcare committee members, staff from other organisations, youth officers, young people in leadership roles and/or involved in local environmental projects, and anyone who is interested in engaging and supporting young people in the community to lead on local environmental issues. Some organisations might also like to send youth representatives to the workshops so there is youth representation.
We encourage the following people to attend (but not limited to):
- Local Landcare Coordinators
- Facilitators of environmental initiatives
- Landcare volunteers and committee members (or other volunteers)
- Community engagement staff from other youth organisations, councils, farmer groups, education institutions, environment and outdoor recreation organisations
- Young people in leadership roles in the community, young people involved in environmental projects, or youth representatives of interested organisations
Participants will hear about the Intrepid Landcare model and gain skills and knowledge on how to engage the next generation.
A full day workshop including:
- Facilitation by Intrepid Landcare Co-founders Megan Rowlatt and Naomi Edwards
- Resources and advice for planning to attract youth
- Resources to help you in effective storytelling and communication
- Resources to help you plan, promote and deliver projects appealing to young people
- Resources to help you to support and nurture young people in your community
- A process to facilitate community collaboration and connection to relevant organisations and young people
Would you like to attend? Register your details here by the 9th May 2018