NSW | Squirrel Glider Surveying and Spotlighting

1:30 pm - 8:30 pm 23/09/2017 Coal Point Progress Association Hall, Coal Point NSW


Come to the Hunter Intrepid Landcare and the Coal Point Progress Association’s Coal Point Squirrel Glider Surveying and Spotlighting Delight on the 23rd of September from 1:30pm at Coal Point.

We’ll begin the afternoon, by spreading off into the bush on the idyllic West Ridge of Coal Point to survey the Vulnerable Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) for 3 hours.
We’ll then take a break for food at 5:30pm, before jumping right back into the driver’s seat for a spotlighting session with Squirrel Glider guru Dr Chris Mclean at 6:00pm, hitting the West Ridge again to see whether we can spot any of the numerous active local fauna.

Fauna we’re hoping to spot may include the Squirrel Gliders in action, Powerful Owls, Tawny Frogmouths, Ringtail Possums and Brushtail Possums, before finishing up by 8:30pm.
Any keen spotlighters can remain spotlighting along the ridge after 8:30pm and kick on.

This event is at no cost, completely free of charge. Bring your keenness.

Only 20 spots available, follow this link to register on Eventbrite to secure your place:

1:30pm – begin arriving at the Coal point Progress Association Hall, 197 Skye Point Road, Coal Point – park 50 metres down the road on the left at the Gurranba reserve, and walk back to the Hall.
2:00pm – car pool together 5 mins to the West Ridge water tower entrance. From there we’ll break into 2 groups to cover both halves of the Ridge looking to record for evidence of Gliders in the nest boxes.
5:00pm – begin carpooling back to the progress hall.
5:30- 6pm – medium snacks – paltters from Woolworths or the like will be supplied. We’ll then begin the spotlighting briefing from Chris Mclean.
6pm-8pm – Spotlighting searching for Squirrel Gliders in action, Powerful Owls, Tourney Frogmouths, Ringtail Possums and Brushtail Possums before finishing up.
8:30pm – event finishes up, head for home. People can stay and continue to spotlight if they so desire.

Long pants, hat, good sturdy shoes, keenness.
Bring a working torch if you have one, preferably powerful but not large

Spotlighting headgear for anyone owning spotlighting gear.

Cancellations to the event will be made If the weather isn’t amenable to spotlighting or to monitoring, and will be called prior to the event.

Find the Intrepid banner onsite on the day to find the meeting spot.

Coal Point Progress Association Hall, 197 Skye Point Road Coal Point 2283, – near Toronto, Lake Macquarie.

Stay up to date in the Facebook event here.

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