Platypus Survey & Snowies Camping

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm 19/08/2016 - 20/08/2016 Numeralla River, ACT


Come along for our second FREE event! This time we’ll be heading up into the Snowy Mountains to the beautiful Numeralla River, where we’ll camp overnight at Badja Reserve Campground. In the morning, we’ll get to try our hand at surveying the local platypus population, followed by taking part in a tree planting and having a barbie with the local Landcare group. We’ll finish the day with an orienteering-style hike on the foothills of Numeralla Mountain.

Get in quick! We only have 20 places for this trip!!!

Let us know if you need transport or can provide some (we’ll reimburse you for the petrol).

Facebook event.

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