Landcare continues to offer a space for people and communities to come together to do something good for our planet. Martha Gouniai, an inspiring contributor of Intrepid Landcare, amongst much more, reflected on what Landcare offers.
“To have this space where we can pursue meaningful change – we have a responsibility to share this, for people who have a need to connect and find that safety… we crave connection and belonging. We have a responsibility to offer this and I get more than I put in”, said Martha Gouniai.
So, this week being #LandcareWeek is the perfect opportunity to say thank you to everyone who is involved in creating what Intrepid Landcare is, and can be!
To help you celebrate Landcare Week, Landcare Australia has free resources to promote #LandcareWeek 2020, and we have uploaded Intrepid Landcare graphics free to use – see below.
And when it is safe to do so, we will meet again to do what we love to do – explore the outdoors.